Everything about the removal of the veins in the legs: how is the Operation, reviews, Rehabilitation

In most cases, conservative therapy is not effective, for this you need a surgical Operation. This in such cases:

  • extensive varicose veins, a large part of Vienna;
  • acute phlebothrombosis or thrombo-embolism;
  • false enlargement of the subcutaneous veins;
  • the presence of edema in the legs;
  • a disturbance of the circulation of the blood in the venous system;
  • trophic progressive ulcer, which can not be treated;
  • chronic fatigue of the legs, and movement disorder.

Restrictions and contraindications

Unfortunately, not all surgery can be carried out, in spite of the severity of the disease. The Operation is not carried out at:

  • current state of the disease, if the process does not give effective results;
  • concomitant hypertension 3 degrees, IHC ;
  • Sepsis or other inflammatory and infectious processes in the body;
  • Age the age of more than 75 years;
  • Pregnancy 2 and 3 Trimester;
  • Skin diseases in the period of exacerbation (eczema, contact Dermatitis, erysipelas, and others).

Types of surgery on the veins of the lower extremities

Today, medicine offers different possibilities of operations on varicose veins of the lower extremity:

  • complete removal of Vienna or phlebectomy;
  • the removal of the affected veins, or mikroflebektomiyu;
  • Laser coagulation with a Laser knife;
  • high-frequency ablationem;
  • Sclerotherapy;
  • Phlebotomy.


Refer to the end of micro-invasive surgery, where the damaged fragments of the vessel.

The advantage of this method in the absence of post-operative complications, as the surgery through small punctures.

This shortened the time of Rehabilitation and improves the cosmetic effect.

Laser Removal

Thus, the treatment of varicose veins with Laser An expensive Operation in the basis of the removal of small veins with the help of a knife. The essence of the Operation in the effects of Laser radiation on the vessel, whereby the blood rolls out, and the vessel is closed and separated. In the future Vienna, absorbed.

Before the Operation, in the absence of defects on the surface and in a short recovery phase. Immediately after the Operation, the Patient can go home on their own two feet. Operation

Radio-Frequency Ablation

The method is an improved Version of the method described above, the least threatening and traumatic of all.

Thanks to him, remove the Vienna node of every caliber up to varikoznim, without the use of anesthesia. The rehabilitation period is not needed, because in two weeks you can already be run in parallel.

But it is worth noting that, in some cases, the effect is not better than a Laser removal.

Compression well the sclerotherapy

This method is difficult to call op. It is based on the use of sclerosant – special substances, which in the case of the introduction of a vessel and transforms it into a fibrous strand. Injections a couple of times and only for the veins of small caliber.

For the implementation of the sclerotherapy anesthesia is not necessary, it is mainly by which, the anesthesia intolerance. But it requires a long period of Rehabilitation. Patients certainly compression stockings will not carry less than 3 months.

The consequences of the Operation

After surgery to the veins of the lower extremities, possible complications of which the surgeon warn their patients in advance. All of these complications occur in the various stages of the implementation of the manipulations and depend on the following factors:

  • Away from surgery;
  • Phase of the neglect of the process and the scope of the robot;
  • Selection of anesthetics, and the procedure of its introduction.

Depending on these factors, the likelihood of complications vary, as the methods for their elimination. Of course, even traumatic, and dangerous method is Phlebotomy. Since offendimus all the tissues of the lower extremities, a high probability of complications. The most important are:

  • aseptic inflammation of the skin around the joints;
  • the education collects hard-to-weight in which the blood, with redness of the skin and pain, the sensation;
  • secondary inflammatory processes due to the accession of bacterial infection;
  • Bleeding from the wound;
  • considerable swelling due to the trauma of lymphatic vessels and nodes in the groin area;
  • Thrombosis of the deep venous system as a result of the constant bed rest without preventive measures (use of compression stockings, minimal motor activity and the taking of drugs to improve the rheology of the blood);
  • Bruising and exasperatur seams on the site of surgery;
  • Relapse and progression of the disease.

Actions in the first days after the Operation

As soon as the Patient wakes up after anesthesia, he needs to move the limbs as possible. In the training program Rotation in the knee and ankle, flexion and extension of the legs. The main thing is not to overdo it, to not make things worse.

On the second day of the surgery, the bandaging, after wearing a special knitted underwear or tight-make bandaging of the legs.

Limbs, preferably raised, in order to improve the blood circulation. In any case, op-areas not wet, but baths as the stitches visit. If the Patient is feverish, it is worth a non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, then be sure to see a doctor. In cases of edema of the legs, it is desirable to reduce the physical load.

9-10 days seams in the rule. Then, the individual Rehabilitation. Complete recovery occurs in dependence on the stage of the disease and the physical condition of the people. remove

Rehabilitation and prevention of such conditions:
  • Change of lifestyle and the physical activity of the patient;
  • Correction of the diet after surgery;
  • Compression therapy in the postoperative period.

Change of lifestyle and the physical activity of the patient

Since one of the main causes of varicose veins lack of movement for a more rapid Regeneration and recovery walks are recommended in the fresh air, every evening a special exercise without loads, walking on the "toes" and "heels", a bike ride, a circular motion in the joints of the lower extremities, the exercises according to the kind of "scissors", as well as foot massage and healthy sleep.

Correction of the diet after the Operation

Obesity promotes relapse and disease progression in this, if the Patient is overweight, there is an urgent need to change your diet: reduce calorie, eat a varied diet change. It is recommended that only a diet of meat, seafood, and fish, dairy products, cereals, fruits, vegetables, berries and nuts. To drink per day 2 liters of close to clear water.

What else you need patients remember

Patients should be reminded that the formation of the seam within 3 months. Then formed a scar. During this time, you should make sure that the operated section of the limb:

  • Not the point of the surgery rough and tough sponges in the shower, as well as the use of cosmetic peels rubbing. Use cloth with a soft detergent or just wash your Hand.
  • Water during bathing should be warm.
  • To delete a cost iodine, Zelenka, or other bright antiseptics are trying at once, it causes a lot of friction.
  • If the place itches of the seam, apply iodine on it, it is used for an antiseptic effect and will itch.
  • No cost pluck the shell itself, you fall off.
  • If the place reddened on the seam or next to him, strange stains, appeared, contact your doctor.
  • To protect you, try it in front of Stress and unnecessary excitement.